Hello all!
I became familiar with a great blog centered around cultural anthropology a few years ago that I think could be a source of inspiration and discussion for our blogging endeavors here. The blog is called Savage Minds. It has a wide range of posts on it - from discussions of anthropological graduate programs and the current state of field work to anthropological analyses of popular film (most recently the Lone Ranger) and popular icons (like Dr. Who).
At best, the site may give us inspiration and ideas on how to improve the quality of our own blog posts, and at worst it may at least provide some entertaining reading for a rainy day.
*Please note the original site is down right now for reconstruction. The link I provided goes to their current home on wordpress, and older (but equally interesting) posts can be found here.
Thanks, Philip! And everybody, please don't forget that there are lots of blogs you might want to check out listed in my first post, the Guidelines.